Crafting Captivating Smiles...
Multispecialty Dental Centre
Since 1984
BN-4, Sreekousthubham, Bapuji Nagar
(Pongumood) Ulloor, Trivandrum, Kerala: 695011
Call Us : 90748 56224 / +91 471 3555754
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...Meet the Doctor
Dr. K Jyothindra Kumar
BDS, MDS, Diplomate Indian Board of Orthodontics,
M.Orth.RCS (Edin), MDORCPS (Glas), FDSRCS (Edin), D.Sc (Hon)
Joint Director General of Medical Education, Govt. of Kerala (Retired)
Past President, Indian Orthodontic Society.
Past Chairman, Indian Board of Orthodontics.
Past President, Indian Society for Dental Research.
Past Chairman, Pierre Fauchard Academy, India Section.
Past Editor, Journal of the Indian Orthodontic Society.
Formerly Executive Member, Dental Council of India
Principal, Govt Dental Colleges,Thiruvananthapuram & Kottayam
Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, was born in Trivandrum , and had his schooling in Loyola School . He acquired his Dental and Orthodontic Specialist qualification from the University of Kerala. He, also holds a Membership in Orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and also from Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow, and is a Diplomate of the Indian Board of Orthodontics at its first diet.
He has been honored with the Fellowship in Dentistry from Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and was also awarded the prestigious Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) for his manifold contributions to the specialty of Orthodontics.
Dr.Jyothindra Kumar was a career teacher in the Specialty of Orthodontics, serving the Govt of Kerala , in the Medical Education Department, entering service in 1980 as a Tutor and retired in 2020 as the Joint Director – General of Medical Education and Head of the Kerala Dental Education Service. He served as Professor of Orthodontics in Govt Dental College, Trivandrum for over 10 years with outstanding distinction. Later he was elevated as Principal of Govt Dental Colleges Trivandrum & Kottayam, and also served two terms as Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Kerala University. He was instrumental in establishing the two new Govt Dental Colleges at Alleppey and Thrissur. Dr.Jyothindra Kumar has been the recipient of several accolades and awards.
Honored with the “Best Doctor Award” of Govt of Kerala, “Best Researcher Award” of IADR-India Section, & MRSI Gold Medal for contributions to Bio Materials Research.
Recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award of the IOS, Dr. H.S. Shaikh Memorial & IOS Oration Oration Awards. Recipient of the “Outstanding Professor Award of the Indian Orthodontic Society”, & Dr.Keki Mistry, Scroll of Honor Award of the Indian Orthodontic Society.
Conferred D.Sc - Honoris Causa by Saveetha University. for lifetime contributions to Orthodontics & Dentistry.
Served the Indian Orthodontic Society as its President, Chairman of the Indian Board of Orthodontics, Editor of the Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society & Vice-President (twice).
Served in National Apex bodies- as Executive Committee member of the Dental Council of India, Specialty Committee of National Board of Exams, etc...
Regional Dental Advisor, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine (twice) & Chairman, Post Graduate Board of Studies, University of Kerala. Was member of Academic bodies at Rajiv Gandhi Medical University, Annamalai University, Calicut University, MAHER University, Sree Ramachandra University, etc.
Keynote speaker at several International, National, and State Conferences. Read over 150 papers and published over 50 papers in reputed Journals.
Editorial Board member, (British) Journal of Orthodontics, Indian Journal of Orthodontics, Indian Journal of Dental Research & other publications.Emeritus Consulting Editor: World Journal of Orthodontics
Ph.D Guide & Examiner. Undergraduate & Post Graduate Examiner to most Universities in India.
Inspector, Dental Council of India, and Court Commission of the High Court & Supreme Court of India.
Won the Best Clinical /Scientific Paper of the Indian Orthodontic Society for a record six times.