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Frequently Asked Questions on Braces 

Does my child need early orthodontic treatment?


   Your child may need early orthodontic treatment if they exhibit any of the following: 

· Malocclusion (overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite)

· Frequently sucks their thumbs

· Crowded teeth

· A jaw that is disproportionate to the face

· Regularly breathes from the mouth instead of the nose

· Primary teeth that are prematurely lost or fall out late.


Even if your child is not exhibiting any of the above, the Indian Orthodontic society (IOS) recommends that all children see an orthodontist for an orthodontic screening no later than age Only an orthodontist can determine whether or not your child can benefit from early orthodontic treatment.

















What can I expect if my child needs early orthodontic treatment?


If your child needs early orthodontic treatment, your expectations will depend upon their proposed treatment plan. In some cases, fixed or removable orthodontic appliances may be used to move the teeth, change the jaw’s position, or maintain the teeth’s position. One such appliance is called a palatal expander. Palatal expanders are placed towards the top of the mouth and are used to gradually increase the size of the upper arch. This increases the likelihood that the permanent teeth will erupt properly. In other cases, the extraction of certain teeth may be beneficial to the erupting permanent teeth. 


What happens after early orthodontic treatment?


In most cases, children who receive phase 1 orthodontic treatment will still require future orthodontic treatment as well. Between phase 1 and phase 2, there is generally a “cooling off” period of about a year. Children who have undergone phase 1 orthodontic treatment are expected to require less orthodontic treatment during phase 2. 


Am I a candidate for dental braces?


Candidates for dental braces are individuals who have teeth that are improperly spaced, overcrowded, crooked, overlapping, or that protrude from their mouth. Additionally, people who have an overbite, under bite, or cross bite are also candidates for dental braces. However, only an experienced orthodontist can determine if dental braces are the best orthodontic treatment. To find out if dental braces are right for you, schedule a consultation at OrthoSmileCraft today.


                                        In case of all doubts it were better that you consult your Orthodontist.

What can early orthodontic treatment accomplish?


  •         Early orthodontic treatment can help to decrease the severity of orthodontic symptoms, as well as prepare the mouth for future orthodontic treatment by intercepting the problem, eliminating the cause, guiding the growth of the facial bones, and provide enough space for permanent to erupt properly. â€‹

What can I expect when my child receives an orthodontic screening at OrthosmileCraft?


  •         At Orthosmilecraft, you can expect that your child will have an examination and maxillofacial x-rays. Your  orthodontist will also ask you whether or not your child sucks their thumb or other fingers. After examining your child’s teeth, jaw, and x-rays, your  orthodontist will do one of three things. They may determine that no treatment is needed, your child should be monitored for possible future treatment, or there is an issue that can benefit from early orthodontic treatment. 

Get In Touch :


Sreekousthubham,House No.BN - 4,

Bapuji Nagar, Ulloor, Trivandrum,

Kerala: 695011


Clinic Telephones:

Land Line : +91 471 3555 754,

Mobile : +91 90748 56224

Doctor Direct : +91 70120 58085

Whats App : +91 62386 59597


    Working Hours : Week Days:       10 am to 1 pm   4 pm to 7 pm
By Appointment     Sunday Holiday
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