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Education  - Specialty – Orthodontics :

D.Sc : Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa, Saveetha University, Chennai –2014

FDSRCS.Ed : Fellowship in Dental Surgery, Ad Hominem, Royal College of  Surgeons of Edinburgh,  Scotland , UK -2000

MDORCPS : Membership in Dentofacial Orthopedics, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow.1999

M.Orth.R.C.S.Ed :  Membership in Orthodontics, Royal College of Surgeons,  Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. -1996

D.I.B.O : Diplomate of the Indian Board of Orthodontics. 1999

M.D.S.: Master in Dental Surgery, Orthodontics, University of Kerala.1983

B. D. S. : Bachelor in Dental Surgery, University of Kerala.1978

Fellowships :

1. Fellow, Indian Board of Orthodontics (FIBO)

2. Fellow, Pierre Fauchard Academy, India Section. (FPFA)

3. Fellow International College of Dentists, India Section.(FICD)

4. Fellow, International Medical Science Academy, Indian Section.(FIMSA)

5. Fellow,  Academy Dentistry International, India Section. (FADI)

6. Fellow, Indian Society of Dental Research (FISDR)

7. Fellow, World Federation of Orthodontists  (FWFO)

8. Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine-UK (FRSM)

SENIOR (Academic & Administrative) POSTS HELD :

 :1. Joint Director – General of Medical Education, Government of Kerala from  2012 to 2020.

2. Principal, Govt Dental College, Kottayam from 2008 to 2012.

3. Principal,  Govt Dental College, Tvpm from 2006 to 2008.

4. Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Kerala from:  (i) 2015-2017 (ii) June.2006 – 2008

5. Ph.D Guide,Faculty of Dentisty, University of Kerala from January, 2002.

6. Professor & Head, Dept of Orthodontics, Dental College, Trivandrum from 2006.

Professional Affiliations :
1.    Life Member, Indian Dental Association.
2.    Life Member, Indian Orthodontic Society.
3.    Fellow, World Federation of Orthodontists since 1996.
4.    Founder & Life Member, Indian Begg Study Group.
5.    Member, IADR , International & India Section. Member –  Craniofacial biology Group.
6.    International Member, British  Orthodontic Society.
7.    Associate Member, European Orthodontic Society.
8.    Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, U.K.
9.    Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine, UK
10.  Fellow - Pierre Fauchard Academy, India Section..
11.  Fellow - International Medical Science Academy, India     Section. 
11. Fellow -  Academy Dentistry International, India Section.
12. Fellow - Life Member, International College of Dentists, India Section
13. Founder -  Life Member, Indian Academy of Dental Educationists.
14. Life Member,  Society for Biomaterials & Artificial Organs in India.
15. Founder  Member, Indian Association of Forensic Odontologists.
16. Life Member,  Society of R & D Managers in India.
17. Member,  Material Research Society of India.
19. Member,  Dental Educational Society of India.
20. Life Member,  International Union for Health Education.
21. Associate Life Member,  Indian Academy of Hospital Administration.

Qualifications & Professional Affiliations

Get In Touch :


Sreekousthubham,House No.BN - 4,

Bapuji Nagar, Ulloor, Trivandrum,

Kerala: 695011

Clinic Telephones:

Land Line : +91 471 3555 754,

Mobile : +91 90748 56224

Doctor Direct : +91 70120 58085

Whats App : +91 62386 59597


    Working Hours : Week Days:       10 am to 1 pm   4 pm to 7 pm
By Appointment     Sunday Holiday
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